silniční dopravce
motor carrier
motor carriage carrier using for-hire or private motorized transport on roads to transport goods
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
síť služeb s logistickými informacemi v severovýchodní Asii (Neal-Net)
Northeast Asia Logistics Information Service Network
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
secured together so as to be handled as an entity
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
function of maintaining status information of goods, goods items, consignments or equipment
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 26683-1,
ČSN ISO 26683-2
sledování hmotnosti vozidla (VMM)
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-12,
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
motor carrier
motor carriage carrier using for-hire or private motorized transport on roads to transport goods
síť služeb s logistickými informacemi v severovýchodní Asii (Neal-Net)
Northeast Asia Logistics Information Service Network
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
secured together so as to be handled as an entity
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
function of maintaining status information of goods, goods items, consignments or equipment
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 26683-1,
ČSN ISO 26683-2
sledování hmotnosti vozidla (VMM)
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-12,
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Northeast Asia Logistics Information Service Network
secured together so as to be handled as an entity
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
function of maintaining status information of goods, goods items, consignments or equipment
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 26683-1,
ČSN ISO 26683-2
sledování hmotnosti vozidla (VMM)
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-12,
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
secured together so as to be handled as an entity
function of maintaining status information of goods, goods items, consignments or equipment
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 26683-1,
ČSN ISO 26683-2
sledování hmotnosti vozidla (VMM)
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-12,
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
function of maintaining status information of goods, goods items, consignments or equipment
sledování hmotnosti vozidla (VMM)
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-12,
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
vehicle mass monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an IVS to an application service provider
sledování polohy vozidla (VLM)
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO TS 15638-13
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
vehicle location monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle location data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider vehicle mass monitoring VMM collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle mass data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
sledování rychlosti vozidla (VSM)
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
vehicle speed monitoring
collection, collation, and transfer of vehicle speed data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
sledování rychlosti vozidla/řidiče (VDSM)
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
vehicle/driver speed monitoring
sledování zásilky a nákladu
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-14
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
consignment and load monitoring
monitoring of shipment of goods/cargo throughout or at specific points of a journey to a destination
služba Freight-X
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO/TS 17187
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Freight-X service
web service created specifically to address business processes related to electronic freight management
NOTE 1 to entry: Examples include receive order, confirm booking, and obtain status.
služba ITS
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ISO 21217
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
ITS service
communication functionality offered by an ITS-station to an ITS-station application
směrový kód dat tagu
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag data routing code
data string that enables the system that reads the tag header to forward in-transit visibility data to the owner of the tag
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
explicit and detailed description of the nature and functional requirements and minimum performance of equipment, service or a combination of both
specifikace Freight-X
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Freight-X specifications
explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by Freight-X
Společnost amerických automobilních inženýrů (SAE)
Society of Automotive Engineers
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Society of Automotive Engineers
správce systému IVS
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
IVS maintainer
actor who installs IVS on behalf of the prime service provider
standardní polohová služba (NAVSTAR) (SPS)
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
standard positioning service (NAVSTAR)
struktura/strom lokálních dat (LDT)
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
local data tree
frequently updated data concept stored in the on on-board data pantry containing a collection of data values deemed essential for either a) TARV regulated application service, or b) cooperative intelligent transport systems
svrchovaná správa
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
system by which organizations are directed and controlled
systém identifikace nebezpečných materiálů (HMIS)
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
hazardous materials identification system
North American product labelling system developed by the national paint and coatings association (NPCA) and similar in many respects to the NFPA 704 system
NOTE HMIS labels always appear as a rectangle-shaped block of four colour bars with a blue “health” bar on top, a red “flammability” bar below that, followed by a yellow “reactivity” bar and a white “PPE” bar. At times there may be additional space on the label for other information, including product name, supplemental warnings, manufacturer information or additional information. HMIS is touted by its owner as “designed to aid employers and their employees in day-to-day compliance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard.” The rating criteria used for categories of flammability and reactivity is identical to that used by NFPA 704. The ratings in the health category differ as HMIS is also concerned with chronic as well as acute health hazards. The presence of an asterisk indicates a chronic health hazard.
Recently, the label was redesigned to give the asterisk a box of its own on the label. In older labels (which are expected to be prevalent for many years), the mark is combined with the numerical rating value.
systém IVS; systém ve vozidle (IVS)
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
in-vehicle system
ITS-station and connected equipment on board a vehicle
systém řízení bezpečnosti informací (ISMS)
information security management system
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
information security management system
systém tísňových hlášení (EMS)
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
emergency message system
collection, collation, and transfer of emergency message data from an in-vehicle system to an application service provider
tag CSS; tag specifikované zásilky
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
cargo shipment-specific (CSS) tag; shipment tag
read-write tag into which data specific to a containerized cargo shipment can be stored
NOTE 1 The tag and the data uploaded in it are the responsibility of the shipper.
NOTE 2 The tag may be affixed to the container by the shipper or, per the shipper’s instructions, by the party that physically performs the loading (“stuffing”) of the container.
NOTE 3 Data capabilities are flexible and may, at the shipper’s discretion, include destination, routing, conveyance or other transportation information, cargo information (including hazardous material information, where applicable) or other trip-specific information.
NOTE 4 The tag is intended to perform reliably from the point of stuffing of the container to delivery destination, and to be removed by the consignee upon final delivery. The tag may be re-usable.
tag EPC
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
EPC tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “0’ indicating that what follows is an EPC header
tag IUI
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
IUI tag
ISO/IEC 18000-6 Type C tag with Protocol Control bit 17 set at “1’ indicating that what follows is an Application Family Identifier (AFI)
tag kontejneru
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
permanent container license-plate tag
container tag permanently affixed, read-only (including Write Once Read Many – WORM) tag containing limited data relating only to physical identification and description of the container to which it is affixed
NOTE This tag, affixed by or on behalf of the container owner, should last the lifetime of its associated container (except in situations where the container changes ownership and/or equipment ID).
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
Souvisící normy:
ČSN ISO 15638-11,
ISO TS 15638-9
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
sender unit mounted to a vehicle gearbox, a tachograph head and a digital driver card, which records the regulated vehicle speed and the times at which it was driven and aspects of the driver’s activity selected from a choice of modes
tajná informace
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons
Aplikační oblast:
Systémy řízení nákladní dopravy
classified information
information which for reasons of national security is restricted to government authorized or approved persons