single European emergency call number supporting Teleservice 12
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405
aktivace volání eCall (ECI)
eCall initiation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
automatické ohlášení nehody
automatic crash notification
automatic system to provide data notification to public-safety answering points, by means of any available wireless communications media, that a vehicle has crashed, and to provide coordinates and other relevant information in a message of standardized data concepts, not limited in length
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
EN ISO 24978
bezdrátová komunikační síť
wireless communications network
network operating using an air-interface capable of bi-directional transfer of data and or voice
NOTE 1 to entry: There are different types of wireless communications such as PAN, LAN, cellular network, etc.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
bod zkoušení shody (CTP)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
single European emergency call number supporting Teleservice 12
aktivace volání eCall (ECI)
eCall initiation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
automatické ohlášení nehody
automatic crash notification
automatic system to provide data notification to public-safety answering points, by means of any available wireless communications media, that a vehicle has crashed, and to provide coordinates and other relevant information in a message of standardized data concepts, not limited in length
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
EN ISO 24978
bezdrátová komunikační síť
wireless communications network
network operating using an air-interface capable of bi-directional transfer of data and or voice
NOTE 1 to entry: There are different types of wireless communications such as PAN, LAN, cellular network, etc.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
bod zkoušení shody (CTP)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall initiation
automatické ohlášení nehody
automatic crash notification
automatic system to provide data notification to public-safety answering points, by means of any available wireless communications media, that a vehicle has crashed, and to provide coordinates and other relevant information in a message of standardized data concepts, not limited in length
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
EN ISO 24978
bezdrátová komunikační síť
wireless communications network
network operating using an air-interface capable of bi-directional transfer of data and or voice
NOTE 1 to entry: There are different types of wireless communications such as PAN, LAN, cellular network, etc.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
bod zkoušení shody (CTP)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
automatic crash notification
automatic system to provide data notification to public-safety answering points, by means of any available wireless communications media, that a vehicle has crashed, and to provide coordinates and other relevant information in a message of standardized data concepts, not limited in length
bezdrátová komunikační síť
wireless communications network
network operating using an air-interface capable of bi-directional transfer of data and or voice
NOTE 1 to entry: There are different types of wireless communications such as PAN, LAN, cellular network, etc.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
bod zkoušení shody (CTP)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
wireless communications network
network operating using an air-interface capable of bi-directional transfer of data and or voice
NOTE 1 to entry: There are different types of wireless communications such as PAN, LAN, cellular network, etc.
bod zkoušení shody (CTP)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
conformance test point
may be an actual instantiation of equipment performing a conformance test process ‘live’, using ‘live’ equipment or may be equipment/systems that simulate behaviour of equipment at the point being tested in order to stimulate or observe the behaviour resultant from the stimulation and note the result of that stimulation
buňková síť; celulární síť (CN)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
cellular network
wireless communications network consisting of multiple adjacent access points (cells) with the capability of homogeneous transfer of a communications session instance to an adjacent cell without significant interruption to the session
centrum tísňového volání (PSAP)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
CEN TR 16219,
ČSN EN 16454
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organisation recognised by the national government
centrum záchranného systému
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Emergency Control Centre
unit which deals with emergency calls and which has the capacity to consider professionally the need for response, and which has the provision to mobilise the needed resources to deal with the emergency in question
cestující ve vozidle
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
vehicle occupant(s)
person(s) inside the vehicle
call-back and post eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
call-back and post eCall
datový soubor IVS; datový soubor systému ve vozidle
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
IVS dataset
minimum set of vehicle-generated data elements which are essential for the performance of the TPS-eCall
diskriminátor eCall
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall flag
alternative term for eCall identifier
E112 (E112)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
means an emergency communications service using the single European emergency call number, 112, which is enhanced with location information of the calling user
E164 (E164)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102,
ČSN EN 16454
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ITU-T recommendation which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan used in the PSTN and some other data networks
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
prEN 16405,
ČSN EN 16072
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
emergency call generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually by the vehicle occupants; when activated it provides notification and relevant location information to the most appropriate PSAP, by means of mobile wireless communications networks, carries a defined standardised MSD notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and establishes an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate PSAP
eCall - systém automatického tísňového volání z vozidla
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS (eCall IVS)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall IVS
in-vehicle equipment together with the means to trigger, manage and effect the eCall transaction
eCall podporovaný službami třetích stran (TPS eCall)
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall poskytovaný třetí stranou (TPS-eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
third party services supported eCall
eCall variant as described and defined in EN 16102
NOTE In summary, it includes the transmission of the ‘IVS dataset’ (plus possibly additional data) from the vehicle to a TPSP, and the establishment of a voice call with this TPSP. In the event of an emergency situation likely to require assistance from the emergency services, the TPSP establishes a voice connection with the most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also forwards all relevant information concerning the event, including the information specified as mandatory by the MSD standard (EN 15722) as a minimum, to this most appropriate PSAP. The TPSP also provides voice communication between the PSAP and the vehicle occupants, at least by setting up a conference call, if this is required by any of the parties involved.
eCall sekvence
eCall session
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall session
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
provision of eCall service plus availability of wireless communication network to undertake other application services
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ISO TR 28682
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
safety systems using electronics and or wireless communications
fórum pro globální certifikaci (GCF)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16454
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Global Certification Forum
certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices that are based on 3GPP standards; GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world
generátor eCall
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16072,
ČSN EN 16454
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger an eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
generátor tísňového volání (TPS-eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16102
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
TPS-eCall generator
occupant of a vehicle or equipment within a vehicle that has cause to trigger a TPS-eCall transaction by automatic or manual means
identifikátor eCall
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
Souvisící normy:
ČSN EN 16062,
ČSN EN 16454
ČSN CEN/TS 17313Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - Interoperabilita a uživatelská volba poprodejních služeb eCall a služeb eCall třetích stran
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
ČSN EN 17358Inteligentní dopravní systémy - eSafety - OAD eCall pro vícenásobný volitelný dodatečný soubor údajů
Aplikační oblast:
eSafety (eCall)
eCall identifier
one of two mandatory information element bits (flags) included in the emergency call set-up message that may be used by the mobile network to filter and route automatically and manually initiated eCalls to a designated PSAP